Sunday, March 24, 2024

The art in accomplishing is so grand, you could build a feeling around it!

 I am feeling, almost ecstatic, reeling, my nakedness

My life my story my day into night so supreme to be

So pleased to X-tend-tent-happy-bent-paying my yes

Mortgage not having to pay rent, worked in the yard

All day raking and ivy-up-and-out-pulling to then so

Bag it all, leaves, bramble, sticks, twigs, bracken and

All that collects on our backyard Forrest woodsy grrr

Grounds, the beds for deer and red fox, possum, birds

Gathering pieces up, leaves pulled out from bushes yes

They probably served as makeshift nests for so many of

Those that fly about and make our backyard their home.

It was so splendid, the garden, the sun, the tidying up

Our butterfly ush by our shed, the surveying our peram-

Tiers of yard where many uprooted plants like Rose of

Sharon’s I have planted to add some shape , some texture 

And color all around seeing, I hope, nThe Big Picture of

Our 4-sided yard and not just the specifics, all so much,

And yet so very gratifying to see so much exposed now!

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