I'm not doing nearly enough and I have to work harder to take better pictures with better light to show you all what I am up to these days. I love it : I'm feeling more inspired artistically than ever and am about to type some of my poems - 4 Morning Poems written on December 28th, 2010 : go to : chatpoetry.blogspot.com to see all of those and more.
Here's a little bit to rouse your curiosity. TONY
The Striations Clouds Of
Skies Babes Blues 'Bove
So Out Spread(ing) Pulled
Extend Extensions To
Draw Be Draw Raw Rawn
Full Limits Extending The
Blue Touch Touching White
Re Yes Position Pose The
Thick Carp Fish-Like Clouds
Long Thin They Spread They
Elong They Gate Gate Gate
They Flow White To Blue To
To White Gain Space Shift
Positions The Limits Be None
No Bound Bound For Xper
Yes Spear Experience Life
It As Consume Resume As
Life Change - Arrange Bear
Ran Ran Range The Plains
Of Skies Now Baby Babes
Dainty Blues Delicates
#1 Le 28 Decembre, 2010 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:28AM on a clear, baby blue skies , brr, clouds lots of striated long-pulled white clouds, winter's morn - no sunshine now.
I work quickly at what I do and try and capture/ ride the raw nerves and tensions and energies of the moment all around me including those of my own that are naturally amplified or changed by what is happening and I like to capture as much of that rush and surge and energetic movement as closely and exactly as I can without altering any of it later as to diminish any of it : let it all stand " as is " and we can all decide what we think or feel from it on our own levels. Cheers - this applies to my writing and photography as well as to my drawing and art work. TONY
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