I'm still working on this and yet I want to get something out now instead of much later. As a result I will continue adding to this as I do to a number of my blog entries.
The STEELE corkscrew and the cap were gifts from Jed to me over the years. We've known each other now a number of years and I am happy to say that at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. where I manage the wine department, sales@clevelandparkwine www.clevelandparkwine.com Tel: 202-363-4265 ) we have three wines from Jed now for sale : the WRITER'S BLOCK Zinfandel, the Shooting Star stainless-steel Sauvignon Blanc and the BLUE FRANC Washington State dry red made from the Blue Franc grape ( otherwise called the Blaufrankisch ). I would have also had the PACINI Old-Vines Zinfandel but it is currently out-of-stock at Republic distributors. We'll get it back soon.
I used Jed's corkscrew the entire week that my family and I were on vacation in Avon, Outer banks, North Carolina the first week of August, 2009. It saved us each and every time that we opened a bottle of wine.
My brunette niece saw it and used it and said how easy it was to use and wished that she had one just like it. I was tempted to give it to her but feared that it might be the last STEELE corkscrew that I owned. I feel bad for being selfish. I will check our home now and see if I have another. If I do I know that I will be sending it to her in Little Rock, Arkansas.
I'm an artist and so I see many things with an artist's eye and both the corkscrew and the cap are works of art to me.
The cap kept the sun off of my balding head and kept me from getting sun-burned there which would have been quite painful.
One morning I saw it upstairs in our living room space and decided that it was " now or never " to take some artsy pictures of it. I hope you like these : I took some artistic license here as I snapped away. Of course I wanted to show the form of the cap and the logo and different angles.
I still have more pictures to include here.
A also wanted to show the beach and where we were and give a larger sense of our place, mood and demeanor. As you can see from the pictures of me I am being playful and a bit mock-serious in my poses.
I'm especially proud of my " thumbs up " pictures as they hopefully convey my admiration for Jed the man, business man, winemaker, person, etcetera.
Jed it has been much too long since our last visit. You will definitely have to make a point to come see me at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits the next time that you come to Washington D.C. It will be great to see you again.
These blogs take on a life all their own. I have no concrete idea exactly where they will wind their way to or what they will carry or convey or show. That's the fun : I love this serendipitous nature to things where chance encounters can take you on a new and completely unexpected path.
I'm counting on exactly this to happen as I continue this blog. Join me and for the time-being please enjoy these pictures as such and the stories that they tell until I may add more.
Cheers and stay-tuned ...
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