Sunday, November 29, 2020

The unity and warmth of building a fire, grilling on a fire this Novembet 2020 during Covid 19 before and during Thanksgiving with family and friends, wine and food, and the hope that Biden and Harris bring us now for We The People and not Grump’s We The People that voted for me, and mostly just for me! Ass whole that you are Trump, you finally got trumped!


The art of a fire in November 2020 during Covid 19 the pandemic grilling dinner and serving food and wine outside with family and friends yay yes , love it all so, also during the election and transmission transferring of power from Trump to Biden and Harris, yay yay yay! Now Sunday November 29th, 2020, happy Thanksgiving weekend all, be safe, healthy, strong and fired up to be so alive! Tony

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