Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dancers Ann & Victor: All2Dance @ 17th Annual Georgetown Day, Grace's Church Garden, Sat. 3-4 PM Oct. 9th, 2010, Raising Money For The Homeless

This is Edward Rahr Borscerdt, retired marine captain USMC ( that was on the commission to build the Korean War Memorial in Washington D.C. ), eighty years old today here sitting on the steps to the Grace Church in Georgetown, Washington D.C. on late Saturday morning ( must have been around 11 AM ) on October 9th, 2010 waiting for the 17th Annual Georgetown Day celebration/festival to get under way to help raise money to feed and shelter the homeless.

After Sam Gessner and I set up our TOAD HOLLOW wine-tasting booth/table/station I walked over to him to say " hello " and to introduce myself. He seemed like someone that I should meet and get to know : he impressed me that way and so I did.

Edward has now worked for ten years helping the Grace Church raise money for the homeless here in Washington D.C. He was a marine captain, too in the Korean war as I have also said already. Too bad that I did not have more time to talk with you Edward and get to know you a bit better. Anyway, I'm glad that I did introduce myself and I hope that Grace Church raised lots of money this past Saturday for the homeless.

It sure was one of the nicest days possible weather-wise for such a purpose to be outside and feel special and like a million dollars and do something good, too for others in need.

It was later as we were just finishing pouring the wines that I noticed both Ann and Victor dancing over by the musicians playing. They were just to the right side over closer to Grace Church and they started to dance as the jazz poured out into the garden there. The music and the lady's voice moved Ann and Victor just as it did the rest of us.

Here above are three of our regular customers at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel : 202-363-4265 sales@clevelandparkwine.com www.clevelandparkwine.com on Facebook at : clevelandparkwines&spirits ) : one a Democrat, one an Independent and one a Republican - what fun!

The TOAD HOLLOW California and French wines really did show well on this Saturday afternoon here in Georgetown just off Wisconsin Avenue N.W. and right next to the canal and looking down onto the Potomac River.

Sam Gessner our rep for LVDH IMports was there pouring the TOAD HOLLOW wines with me that TOAD HOLLOW donated to support the 17th Annual Georgetown Day event and that we purchase through LVDH Imports and sell at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits.

It's now Wednesday morning here at home on October 13th, 2010 at 9:02 AM and all the wines will be back in the store later today if you want to purchase any of them. They all showed really well at this event and on this beautiful day.

It was such a wonderfully serendipitous moment for me to catch Ann and Victor dancing. I immediately started snapping pictures as their dancing really did please me and I wanted to catch more of it as they continued to dance on the stone path. They were quite good and it was so pleasing to watch them as they moved to the live jazz music with a talented female singer and an excellent male saxophonist, too.

Once that Ann and Victor stopped dancing I poured two glasses of the TOAD HOLLOW dry Pinot Noir rose " Eye Of The Toad " and went over to offer a glass to each of them in thanks for their stimulating dancing. They smiled and accepted immediately. I did the rose because it made me think of Ann's rose colored top as well as the passion and heat of their movements.

Turns out that Ann and Victor are professional dancers with ALL 2 DANCE.com ( info@all2dance.com, 202-422-6250, MacArthur and Foxhall, N.W. where Georgetown meets the Palisades ) and that they have classes in Ballroom Dance, Ballet Stretch, Latin Dance, Salsa and the Tango. Judging from what I saw here all these classes promise to be excellent.

Anyway, thanks Ann and Victor for the grand impromptu and engaging and stimulating dance here on this past Saturday afternoon. I for one really did appreciate it and am glad that I was there to witness and meet you both afterward. Cheers and keep on dancing! TONY

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