Some things should be just about fun. Though our meeting was focused around wine I simply enjoyed myself taking these pictures of Danielle that has clearly from all the pictures taken and posted become one of my very favorite subjects to snap my Canon digital camera pictures of. She gets into the playful mood of all of this and follows the camera's lead and eye.
Danielle pretty much knows now that I take pictures any opportunity that I get and that I see " opportunity " in many a moment though it may seem " downtime " or inconsequential to many I see something in it. It may be fleeting and act as a " filler " for background to better describe another moment or a series of moments.
I love the idea of working in a " series of moments " to better capture and recollect / remember and tell a story of sorts. The viewer has to take these various pictures and make of them their own stories. Those are the best for me : the pictures are there to inspire and fire the imagination, the thoughts, the mind, the eye, the blood, soul and guts, of course : can't forget the guts, the pith, the marrow, the core ...
Being an artist I am attracted to beauty of course as well as charm, laughter, smiles and enthusiasm. I thrive on these and find them everywhere and in everyone. It is more obvious in some and in others it takes more patience and effort to see them. I like these challenges.
Thanks Danielle for being such a great and inspiring subject. I appreciate your patience with me and this artist's eye of mine that roams and rarely stops or pauses. As a result some of the pictures are a bit out of focus and blurred. They can still be quite effective and pleasing and so I am thrilled to include them as I continue to tell our story of you tasting me on wines, opening bottles, tasting our customers, too : and me always with my handy and loved Canon digital camera at finger's touch ready to snap away some more and capture something special. Cheers, TONY
Go ALTA VISTA dry Argentinian rose! Love the color, love the intense and satisfying flavors, too. It sold very well for us and we are currently out. Do you have any more Danielle?
What an infectious smile you have my dear ...
P.S. : As an artist I also love the contrast in these few pictures that I took in quick succession that go from serious and pensive/thoughtful/quizzical/perplexed and beautiful to smiling and bright and beaming, animated and instantly beautiful.
Voila! Vous-avez tous maintenant, n'est ce pas vrai?!? Je croix que jai tous et de la chance de voir encore ces fotos ... et de finir avec ce fotos de toi et ton sourire vif, brilliante et belle. Comme Jacques Brel dit dans sa chanson : " Je viens pour le gaz ... " ... sans doute ...
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