This blog entry exists because between Frenchman Julien et moi we both realized that this young lady in our midst was striking and Julien wanted here to taste his dry white wines of Gascogny with him. It was all that I could do to simply get these quick snaps of my Canon digital camera made as she approached us in the store around the tasting table. I had to act quickly and quickly I did. I snapped five or six times and this is what I got : all within the period of less than a minute and during the time that Julien expressed to me in French that he wanted her to taste his wines!
I love this image above that almost breaks completely apart into it's various parts and becomes only disjointed pieces of flesh and clothing and shelving and bottles all smudged and transposed into something completely different from what it actually is. I love her dress here : fabulous - so thought-provoking too. Look at her left hand : hanging in mid air as if not connected to anything?
What to do?!? Act quickly and think of something to say with this young lady with her suitcase of twelve can of beer that she should come back and taste Julien's wines? Could I get that into a conversation with her when she did not know me from Adam and probably had no idea that I ran the wine department?!?
The picture above almost looks like a musical score of colored notes, doesn't it? It's almost like one of the " finding waldo " images, too.
I may have been talking to someone else when this all occurred : I usually am and I have no time to break away and ask her to come and taste with us. My mind was racing : I was charged to think of a way to accomplish this seemingly simple task and yet for whatever reason it simply did not happen. Not this time : my chance - our chance was gone on this early evening and I am sorry for that. But I knew I had some pictures to remember her by and how she caught both Julien's and my attention : not to mention the attention of every other male in the store at this particular moment in time!
These blurred pictures pretty much tell a story all by themselves. They speak to the frenetic quickness and transiency of these split seconds. I like how some of them almost break apart and become like pieces of a puzzle in their blurred and split shapes and forms : like the way the skirt or dress become like the stripes of a zebra. It's fascinating how the eye of my Canon camera captured these images as I am sure I moved and moved the camera to capture what I thought might be interesting pictures and angles. Of course with my camera down by my waist and pointing towards her as she approached and then passed me I had no idea exactly what the camera would freeze in these quick snaps of the button by me? How could I ? I was not looking into the view-finder of the Canon. That would be too obvious and would ruin the mood and the naturalness and the care-freeness of the moment : these fractions of seconds captured to be seen later.
I like how the strong ceiling lights break down the strong colors and wash/whiten them out a whole lot in some of these images ...
That's good : the unknown and the anticipation of seeing what I had snapped later : all very good. Don't get it all at once : be patient and enjoy in steps or stages what I have done with the help of my trusty Canon camera. I like this : I am intrigued and in awe and wonder and appreciation for what I am able to do with the help of my Canon camera. We work well as a team.
Julien and I worked well as a team here, too. We both understood, we both appreciated the moment and did not want it to end so quickly. What to do?!? Stand back and watch and appreciate and absorb as much as possible as quickly as possible and burn it quickly into the memory membranes of our brains. That's asking a whole lot as so much was happening at the time. I'm thrilled to have these pictures to bring back this quick five minutes or so in both Julien and in my life : five minutes shared by the two of us. Almost as if we were conspiring together here and if we had only had more time, more wits about us!
Julien, I'm okay with the outcome. I hope that you see and enjoy these pictures sometime soon and remember. Cheers and enjoy whatever story that you may make yourselves of these pictures when you see them. A la prochaine fois Julien et merci pour le degustation de vos vins de Gascogny au magasin a Washington D.C. il y a trois jours maintenant, C'est bien Lundi soir le 24 Mai, 2010 a 9:55 PM maintenant chez moi en Virginie et demain je recommence mon travail a Washington D.C.
Enjoy, TONY
P.S. Being an artist I am exercising my artistic impulses and responses and mean this in complete appreciation of this young lady's beauty and nothing more. Please accept it if you someday see it and be flattered by it and hopefully not annoyed. Maybe our paths will cross again sometime and I can show this to you to get your reaction.
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