The spark that spoke in constant, insistent yet subtle and nuances sparks to both the man and the artist here in me. I poured the Spanish La Mancha " old-vines " 2004 dry red Tempranillo for her as she stopped to taste and I bathed myself from head to toe in the smile that curved and served her as well as me very well at this instant that all but froze for me here as almost in very, very SLOW motion I soaked it all up with my eyes as if I needed with all my life to retain these images forever and ever and ever ...
Bit adolescence ( idolatry ), bit maturity and age and fear of loss and mixed 'twixt all of this hope and happiness and pure unadulterated joy and bliss that she should be there now before my eyes ( talking ever so nicely, too ) outlined in such a baby-blue, milk-white infused contrast of soothing color for her delicately-tanned skin and refined femininity. I was consumed : I was in it up way-way-AWAY swept!
Being an artist as well as a man I was transported, transplanted, entranced, xyz-pansed : her ears and smiles, her falling hair, high cheeks- bones-pronounced ; graceful firm neck,exposed curved ears : the cascade 'n sweep of her blue dress-neck line rushed me like frozen adrenalin down this line ( I fall I fall - out! into! sunk!'twixt I know I want I am badly challenged not to stare - value I this valley, this skin galley - this flesh so exposed me TOTAL DOWN break - deposed!
To focus my look into her eyes , her face, to trace her features burning ever so insistently - yes, with indifferent in/out/'bout-sistence ( I fully grant them all my assistance ) on my eyes - the burrow, the tunnel, the fun-fun-fun,oops, no sun, more not! I must now in dark park, rest, feast - there? where?care I more?!? - on my own, alone .... yet, ohhhh, ohhhh - soooo not!! I can hear her heart beat : soothing, calming.
Thank you Canon camera that I upwards pointed and clicked as quickly seems now as imps of impatient impulses pulsed and pierced, pricked and prodded me as she in her stillness, fluidity of feminine grace and slight motion did somehow unconsciously/ consciously ( ? ) preen? I guess, level here with me on some level she did know this? I was aware - fully of her. Glance quick, eyes movement mine fast speed of light - on light did race up and down her body then. Now as I can look finally at what my Canon did for me kindly capture. Here's to my rapture then and now.
So nice to finally be able to look upon and to take-in and appreciate all of this without myself feeling self-conscious or giving offense.
I am rapt - wrap - tap! tap! GENTLE tap! A bit slap - lap - slapped, too. Mind I not , way, way NOT! I can now without offense any hope I not give her as I be not lewd/rude : not ever, really. Look I like : what man not like?!?
I like : I love what I see. The whole ensemble : the look she has for everyone crafted to look upon and from her perspective I believe she hopes everyone approves and likes what they see. I know that I do.
I know that it is a bit - a lot brazen of me to take these pictures at all. What right have I? It's a hard call, really. Whether to take them and later to share them? To show the world now for all to pause to look and to see and to fully appreciate the beauty - hers - falling gracefully, draping herself in such a lovely color of blue here - to not forget, to even more important - to not be lost! There is such a fleeting / temporal set of moments like these that are often to quickly lost and forgotten. Perhaps never to be seen again? I think as an artist and a historian of a kind that it is my place to save this inspiration that can and did so quickly me transport to realms of wonder and lofty aspiration and appreciation of life and the beauty I chanced luckily for me to see and be a small part of if even for just, what could have been - rapidly-fading memories that all but would/could have disappeared from me- from the world so permanently/sadly! Why not have her and her-this look - live on for me, for others to be touched/inspired/fired?
So I later did share these pictures that I did take of her without her full knowledge at the time. Sure, she knew I took pictures : had taken them of her. She had seen me do this : I had perhaps even shown one or two to her at the time.
However, now with practice and patience and more time I try to take pictures that capture the moment but without the self-consciousness that comes when people know that I am taking them. I want their features to be relaxed and not posed for the camera. This is always better I believe.
Look at this picture above with the lady behind her with the beautiful, slightly darker-hued blue hat her? That lady reminds of the American lady that was in the recent movie : " Under The Tuscan Sun ". Nice. I like it. It all fits.
So I showed these pictures to her later and asked if I might post them with some text? She responded quickly saying that both the pictures were fine as well as the text that I might write. She added quickly that she believed that it would be very hard for me to write something that she would object to.
I have thought of this off-and-on now for quite some time trying to figure out how to accomplish some text to this as I believe the pictures themselves need no explanation as she in this dress is beautiful and that seeing her like this one afternoon in the wine store was utterly inspirational and I could not but feel the increase in my heart beat and the rush of many emotions both as an artist and as a man. Wow, what subtle, elegance and beauty and warmth : a femininity here to rival any before or to come later.
To hear her voice is as important as all the rest. She has a beautiful voice as well and that warms and touches me to my core.
I have not seen her now for two-three months and I wonder if she is so busy still or has moved on? I will be most sorry if it is the latter and she did not stop to say farewell. That will sadden me greatly.
So with all my respect and appreciation for her and the times that our paths have crossed I post this now. No names here. She will know it is her : so will her friends. Everyone else will just have to appreciate and wonder and be left with that to deal with. That's okay : these images more than make up for any questions that they may have.
Here's a glass I raise of wine symbolically to her, her beauty, her lovely baby-blue dress and a voice to stir and to warm and to charm and all together weave - ohhhh -such a spell.
At least here - now - you may all sit, feast-rest a spell and join with me in raising our glasses with wine and toasting our good fortunes .... TONY
P.S. It is now Friday, March 25th, 2010 here at home as I post this. I took the pictures back in mid 2009 sometime I believe. Cheers ....
ALSO GO TO : You simply have to stay on my Home Page here that you are already on and click on to the right : View Complete Profile : scroll down to all my blogs and click on : chatpoetry. It's current now on March 26th, 2010 I believe. It starts : " The Pa Pal Pale Pay / Beau Bleu Eaut : 4 Thursday Morning Poems ....
There you can catch the 4 Morning Poems that I wrote inspired by these pictures.