This was a totally serendipitous, joyful, mesmerizing, completely absorbing experience for me that I recorded extensively with pictures during the whole three-four hour event. IT was quite THE EVENT : I think anyone that likes jazz at all that was there was enthralled and very pleased to have been included in this wonderful moment of " live " jazz. I sure was : and today , Sunday, March 30th, 2009 I am invited back with my wife to the second installment of this " live " jazz experience.
Of course jazz is an art form and so I am going to include these few pictures that I have here on my page. I will not at present include names, just some of the great pictures I took before my Kodak camera, one of the first ever digital cameras available. Anyway, the batteries died but not the music! Good old Don McLean to the rescue!
This was a private party at the home of my great friends Leslie and Lee and so I have to respect this and keep the details and names to a minimum. These are all highly respected individuals performing here "live " and I figure that this is more for them to look at and enjoy when they have a chance.
If any of you that look at this site " know who they are all the better. I can't stop that and would not want to : but I do want to keep this a more private blog and I hope that you understand that.
I took many more pictures than these. As I said my batteries died and the music kept pulsing and titillating, inspiring, firing, cajoling, extricating, pulling, tugging, pressing, impressing, tweaking and overall involving us all together and individually in the patterns and ways that it infiltrated us during these three to four hours of grand jazz music.
I took pictures using the camera of one of Lee and Leslie's daughter's. Her battery also died so another had to be found quickly! They did, too and I drained that as I continually composed in my mind quickly and snapped just as fast away, too! There was not a second, even mili-second to spare!
I was possessed as I usually am with this kind of experience that I dress myself up in and become/visualize, eat away at heartily as I try and capture parts of the moment from angles and perspectives that will continue to intrigue and enthrall for many viewings and not just one.
Sadly, I was just starting to warm up here and so these are more " regular " pictures for me. I had just started to enjoy some of the wine that I had provided for this event, and I'm glad to have the picture of this B.V. CA. blend of their kitchen sink so to speak called Bozeaux or something like that. I should remember : I sold lots of it : the 2005 which included seven or so grapes like Valdiguie and many other fun grape varieties. Yikes, how one's memory does fade quickly at times!
You will have to someday see all the other pictures that I took using the other camera. In the meantime these will have to serve now to get you curious and wanting more as well as some of the music to please you as it did us in many nuanced and special, provocative ways.
Cheers to all of you that played this afternoon back in 2008 as well as to everyone gathered there ; and especially to our two hosts Leslie and Lee that made this all possible. Cheers, TONY
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