Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Life is so focused for me now! It’s raining hard, I a inside taking a break from paint g our basement ceiling wall and organizing my body of art and my life to familiarize myself again, and know where to look as I push onwards a pilgrim soul I am!


Life is indeed rich as I center myself

Few distractions distract me on purpose

My mind creates my harsh drama of

Which, I want no part, except extraction

Extracting myself, finding myself anew

In my body in my work in what I piled

Stored, collected, saw promise in so that

I did not toss it, but toss some now I must

To find that order that makes it easier to

Serendipitously send my way through so

Much of my begin-not-done-works-of-art!

And it is all happening as I am the tortoise

I move steady I move slow but I move my butt!

No ands ifs of buts just my naked butt as I please

As I tease my surroundings as well as please me!