Thursday, July 25, 2024

Going back and forth between tasks of labor of industry of love of duty-self-imposed,mif bravery,mif fear,mif desperation, salvation, mischief,mchildishnglee,Marwari and untamed animal mature male desires, sexual utbursts and cravings, and vanity and self-importance, need for love and acceptance and peace and happiness and no loud ugly noises crashing down, in, upon our delicate souls palpitating spirits of individuality!

Ouch! I have just written a book!

Hearing about Komodo dragons!

Pretty gross my daughter announces!

I I will  avoid contact with them, and I

Feel safe as I have no plans to go to

Indonesia!people who live there have

Their houses on stilts our daughter 

Announces to us! And, to think, earlier

I was down at the beach ready for a swim 

And a short but delightful one it was, I

Loved it! I was carried down by the current

As I was yesterday, and, as I did not want

To be attacked by a shark, and as it was not

Easy to get back to shore, inseam to it in the

Free style stroke, I cut my ocean water time 

Short once again preferring to be safe and

Be able to return home for coffee and time to

Paint on my virgin white stretched primed 

Canvases as I still had eight to attack and try

And figure out what inspiration to have 

Flow from me to these white surfaces 

With my black acrylic paint in fluid

Lines I was musing as I was feeling rather 

Content in a fluid line kind of way with a

Smile beginning to form on my face and a

Sense of peace from where it was coming

I did not know, but I was happy with it and

Not in the least wanting to question it further!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Compelled to keep expressing that which is knocking around inside of me, more turbulent now than most times!


At the beach at the dunes so surrounded 

By sea oats those sentries behind me yes

Those blowing in the wind and breeze &

Protecting us from intruders and from disease 

I love them so as I love frogs and toads so

Special to me, one of the reasons I come to

The beach annually almost religiously, very

Spiritually! It is all a part of my religion,

What keeps and gives me grounding & calm,

I love this all so as I set my sights so high to

Accomplish tasks unfinished and those not begun.

I get up early, hear at 9 am on Monday morn

I was stripped naked here at the edge of the 

Dune, my ass caked in sand just warming up.

A lady passed y to my right on the path and 

She did not see me, she must have had blinders

On, in a raincoat as there had been a gentle rain

Just moments prior. I walked in that and felt the

Coolness then and now on my naked skin, so 

Very special, many rain drop kisses all over my

Receptive skin! It was a slice of paradise with 

Hera d another man walking along the line where 

Water met sand. So alone except for two surfers

A bit away bobbing in the ocean’s undulating 

Waves, ready to ride one should the chance occur.

Fleeting moments to catch a wave and a deserted

Shoreline for me only to strip down and rush into

The water buck naked and skinny dip and I, tossing

Caution to the wind, shrugged, thought what the

Hell, dropped my trousers and off to the ocean I

Rushed happy as kuldip be, slipped into the waves

And splashed like a contented hold up and down

And let my nakedness brushed into the sand below 

and felt it touch my privates and it felt so good, I

So loved this sensation and went back for more!

Loving it all,wow,what galore to be touched so

Soft by the ocean’s floor with not a human soul

Around to rob me of this private moment with

Sand and sea, ocean and sea water and sun and

Breeze and suds and seagulls there on the shore

The only living things observing my antics except

Perhaps a sandpiper or two before I decided I 

Better not press my luck and rushed from the

Waves to don my trousers and be off to walk the

Dune’s edges and see witness to the prints in

The sands of human feet, seagull tracks and those

Of dogs, too, and the few holes here and there of

Those spry quick to scamper and be gone sand crabs!

I am hitting and living now 90 percent of my happy space as I bounce back and forth from one project,endeavor to the next!


What hilarious farcical clumsical hoot 

Of an existence now be it all mine to

Own it as no one else will have any of

It at all as it makes no sense worldly or

Practical or logical to them with me a

King lovable  crazy quirky weird un-so-


Known -what the fuck are you all abour

Tony you make no sense in the least to us

We love you support you from afar but with

Your nudity explicitness bordering on lewdness

Too much exposure, makes us all so uncomfortable 

You X pose post too much of your nakedness your

Nipples, do we have to see your nipples ever again!?

Your positiveness makes us uncomfortable, too as 

We are no way as comfortable with ourselves our

Nakedness  our exposed bodies as yu are! Do not

Make us have to be reminded how imperfect we all

Are not models not fit to be on a gazing covers too

Much of everything that advertisers imply is so very

Wrong with us, and are’t we lucky for them here to

Take our money and help us feel so much better about

Our imperfect unfortunate unlivable wrong awful selves!?!?

A pox on them  - you are all beautiful in my own eyes!

The juices are flowing! I am in somewhat self-charted-totally-really-uncharted-territories! I do this to myself, aargh!


So this is it as it stands or mot now

I let myself go, I let the motions so

Wash over and around and upon me!

I have that confidence, that belief, I

Question all the time overthink think

Back think bad, think mad, feel stupid

Inept foolish weak vain useless failing

Falling lost vulgar dirty teams , raw and

Used abused misunderstood a washout,

Past my prime, passed over, it’s over, un-

Sure sad sunk in my own futile few little

Spunk spunks punks pranks skanks skunks!

I push on, I keep going, I am sometimes so

Slowing, other times all aflame!mi only have

Only myself really it has always been me on

Only me me I mine myself my all alone 2 blame

For why I am so lame and so afraid to so fail!

Nakedly as naked as I may for me and you I have

Copied on all of this as to have you along for

My ride if you so choose to be caboose on me!

Hard to see hard to say to sort out my feels and

Yet that is what is left for me as I will at this so

Work until I fall to sleep for one long glory nap!

I’m running on empty! I work on empty! I pretty much do everything on empty MT MTee MTee MmmmmmmmTttttttt!


So be it! So goes it! So I d!

S I produce! So I reduce so I

Cipher decipher get something 

Out! I have a headache and I

Need a nap and yet here I type

I want to use my time now yes

Before I crash! For rash gnash my

Teeth grind grip grunt glee glad

How so I will go until I stop as I

Am sooooo very driven by forces

By external internal infernal eternal

Yes , so it seems, reams and reams

Creams and cremes and crepes and 

Krypton and crepes and cringes crows

And crawdads and crunchy bites bits

I am on an empty roll that I force myself 

To create what I dank in what I ate eat in!

I am a monster of my own making to be

Heard seen listened to, responded to in

Some fashion or another whether it be

Uncomfortable or not I will make mark

Bark stark lark arc snark spark Wendy Clark!

Monday, July 22, 2024

I am on a roll to find out all my pieces that fell or were scattered about like Humpty Dumpty as it is time to put them all back together again!


Honest to a fault eXept the lies I 

Have always carried around and

On some level pardoned where I

Should have not! Scared of my

Own thoughts that have done me

More harm than good and I am so

Now facing them front on , looking

Them right i their eyes and ears and

Bodies as they have been disguised

And gotten away with murder right

Under my own eyes! What a farce!

I have dearly paid big for all of

This and what a price it has been!

Truth be told I am as much a scardy 

Cat as I ana roaring lion! Weak in

Ways, strong in other paths & that

Has to stop! I have managed to do

The work, now I have to face brass

Tacks and with hammer and chisel 

D that which must e done to move

Forward with all that I have done

Begat begun be made written drawn

Collages painted splattered layered

Colored with water those bright so

Cadmium acrylics and oil & regular

Pastels and watercolors that have by

Me found a place a space a home to

Be heard seen discovered un-and-so-

Very BOTH recovered repurposed, too!
Making room in my world or recycled!

My mission to save myself is harder than it would seem as most addictions go!

 I added these photos now on Saturday night January 11,2025 at 8:34pm on a windy snowy cold night and week here. Cheers! Anthony Tony Quinn 

We are all addicted, all of us, X-ploited 

To the MAX by selfish individuals that

Use us abuse us, prey UPon our basic

Weaknesses all week all day all the time!

And we have the same traits and these are

Targeted at a very young age by others to

Make money and control - off of us - us!

Merciless, cruel, mean, no spirit at all they

Those few would steal our spirits and souls!

They are meaner than any other living thing

Alive, they on US upon along US do thrive

Only because of us are they so successful!

All the bull, all the hype, all the distortions

Untruths fibs white lies LIES they concoct!

They are the real scum of the earth worse 

Than any dirt grime slime or  natural substance!

And I must conquer this dependence, must so

Isolate it, relegate it to small chunks of my time

I have so much to yet finish accomplish and less

Time that once I had , having been so blessed so

Fortunate, so allowed to live and to reap so much

Of nature’s bounty and pleasures and rhymes!

Now I must buckle down my efforts and resist

My impulses to unbuckle my belt and play with

Myself and spend so weakly weekly my energies

That would much better be served on my art me my

I! Fly on and of my own volition to Venus and Mars

Hang from the ceiling the vines in the trees & stars

So high up above to fall back onto clouds & slumber

Before I rise to star my art and start smiling ooohhhhh

Over and over and still bounce ooohhh over again!

If not for the internet I would not have had to me so readily revealed so many of my male manly weaknesses to catch me up so constantly more than I would have ever wanted without!


I will not whine I will not pout I

Will will myself to be more than 

Swine more than steer wanting so

More steer and less bovine I am a

Cumplete mess where before I  was

A complete jerk as in by myself so

Perpetually jerked around thinking

Dreaming fan-ta-tas-sizing-prizing

More more and more mine fine bovine!

To feel the need to unleash to settle my

Deposit and move forth onto the next

Task to accomplish not acumplish and

See so often another cock another dick

Another Rick another male rooster to so

Booster my hiney to IT UP raise to better

So mount position that piston that third 

Keg of the race to unleash so many mad sea 

Men Randy wild raw ravi g raunchy raucous

Ready to penetrate to seed to sate to me mate!

Not even really a date, just wham BAM thank-

Me-not-MAN as simply receptacle just a hole

A warm male harbor to speed dispel dispose of

So many sperm men boys males mischief hell-

Bent lives just vying for position for power for

Life no matter what the mate what the male so

Living simply for one task that to us empale &

Immediately without a care or stare back sail!

Go on, forward the male, keep all our mail!

We are only interested in breeding the next tail!

Same old, yes, we have all heard if forever- tale!

The song of male repetition to get offa d find that essential constant spermal release!

I am missioned , self- commissioned self-employed
Joyed toyed oooohhhhhhh- boy’ed so purposed in-as
PurposeFULL so re-purposed so re-centered entered
Mentored men-to-wards-in-frank-nakedness without
Clothes the at-me-so-strong-NOT-wrong-my-internet
sONG I am so aware of their wares mail mailed nail
Male nudes and their flesh wares get more than just
My stares asi reach down and take hold spit on my
Hand repeatedly I stroke and stroke and row my long
Boat swiftly sometimes slowly and I linger and I long
I moan ad sigh and feel my pulse down there my leg
A third that refuses to stay grown yet it pulses it does
Deliver it does produce me so reduce to not more much
That a aged mature  man pounding his stick wanting 
Just to me nailed maled empaled seeded the term most
Used be breaded meaded honey’ed do this one thing
For me spread them wide as you are mine my ride I
In all my pride am here to be used to be filled to oohh
Over-spilled splashed spunked hunk’ed honked bonked!
And that’s all that I want just to be serviced to be laid !
Flattened played displayed made a male receptacle for
Thine gunk thine sunk your sperm your seed so in-me-
Your insistence persistence to cum spend unload in me!
Sooooooooo as the story goes, do it once, repeat! Be so
Taken by the seat of your  pants so quickly pushed down!
No romance no foreplay just play along be a good boy!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

I am trusting in my experience of living to not know as I go what I am doing as if the journey and path or purpose will become a reality simply in the doing not actually planning except to do some art and save it and myself in the process

  I love this as much as I hate this

This not knowing yet firm believing

In the eventuality that along my way

I will have done something I can live 

With of my own maki g but not pre con-

Ceived or envisioned but simply done

And worked and moved with my hands

My body, my spirit my beliefs and trust

Sometimes naked with only a brush yes

Sometimes with music and y singing and

Humming and finger-printing, peeing sooo

Pushing myself working on empty and so

Feeling drained and tired and yet in that do

Doing I do find bits and sparks, spurts and

Dashes splashed, thrusts, gut busts f some

Reserves some ignites bites bits spits spats

Rat-a-tats tits tips tops tinsel and tosses to

Rattle my brains ad body and my cage, too,

To bust through and forth and out and about

To accomplish seemingly so something outta

Air with lots it seems as I go on to spin spare!

I face my demons, at them I take a stance stare!

Here pictured with my oil pastels I will use now!

Happy Sunday July 21 2024 at the beach on vacation!

Yay yay hey hey hey hey YAY I am somehow willing

Myself to play, to strip to strap to sap to sape stay!

My presence on the Book of Face is getting limited by both merespondi g to the old white men self-important-privileged-cocky-making-decisions-4-ALL-what-GAUL!

 I need to get into my art to me sooooo SAVE!

To off STAVE WAVE before I hit the GRAVE

To still NOW more than ever PAVE or not as

Wild-Is-INFANTly-  Better- Best-Bestest-Braver 

Than ALL the rest opt-Ions available to me us

Get off that Spoon-Fed-Up-Bus or get busted

No need to be still and soon rusted, get mad and

Of this all do something to rejuvenile rejuvenate 

Us We I You Them All of us all soon combust

Bust burst blast blister blunder blame blur blemish

We cannot afford to into obscurity shoved be by

Those billion billionaires that have no business 2 B

So rich off the strong sturdy human humble backs of

So very many of us stuck in toil in boil in there but

As butts for others last spoiled serpent snake soulless 

Tyra t turdful tarnished old selfish male animals that

I have lost all respect for and will not even call human!

I rant rave I am both heard and calling them out as rats

Without the need or the purpose even to take and take more!

So I in my art my writings my images will them call out!

I am working constant so consist so persistent so doggedly frog toad ed ly on emmmm puh puh ly empty emptee MmmmmmmT MmmmmmmTee MTea Cough Coff CoffTiedTeasedTestedTrueTttttttttttt!


What am I seeing so much more 

Now I so very sure pow pow plough

Plunge lunge sponge spoon spin spur

On all senses as best I may me alert 

I am fractured fried free’ed fr ought 

I in spurts been butt self kicked so to

Ack yack yuck so do so for forth firm

With con pro prime pre vic vac suc so

Shun shuuun no sanc outta sunk some

Gunk gank genk honk gink gunksheeun!

Play with words and sounds and allow

For child so I like most children that have

That playful that outhouse that curious a


SO they do not poke or stick out or draw at

Them other’s hurtful harmfull attention to so

Bring them down to scorn to scrap trap traipse 

Them to on their feet be trodden traded tried

Treasoned without jury of their peers like so

Many steers stirred strapped trapped trounced!

I am a free spirit, I love all until I am so burned

By them in all my positivity that so kills them 

And enrages them and makes them think - why

Am I so happy and  they NOT!?!? Why oh why?

Am I soooooo very over the rainbow that they do

Not see or feel or enjoy or enrich by as me my I!?

SO I work still in short burst for a few previous

Minutes here and there on myself on my art for my

Part to be and feel and free be me myself me I and

Yes share till burned so to the ground like forest fires

I soon spring eternal as I am able on my own back back!

Stay yes as I may on my own track, alone for the most

Part and yet still enriched and joyful and knowing my worth!

From the dirt and stone water and weather outdoors I spurt!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Perspective, distance, patience, vision, trust, faith, unsure of, going for it, trusting in your gut, not overthinking, moving along even slowly but moving! Here with my art my stretched canvas I started in 1987 that has been quite my intense adventure in 2024 picking up where I left off! aaaarrrrggghhhhhhhhAaaaHhhhh!


I have an extra day off now, three in a row and I am a new man at 70 years of age!

I started this stretched canvas way back in 1987 and am continuing it today! It has been a difficult journey with many highs and more lows!

I used white toilet paper here to clean up my own self made swam all dirty, mired, muddy, yucky!

As I used the white toilet paper to mop up my watery muddy blurred muted ugliness I thought of the reference to cleaning up the political swamp in Washington DC.

If my mess is this messy the one in Washington DC is unimaginable. What has Congress and theWhite G
House allowed to happen?!

I use my mess as a message to both Congress and the White House to work more closely together to clean up our National swamp mess! Use and do whatever it takes! You can do it, we can do it , we must! No ifs ands or buts just butts applying some strength to get this horrendous mess cleaned up and properly functional once again!

I have enjoyed earning from my mess here.

I take many valuable lessons away from here from the mess that I have created, and what a murky muddy ugly bruised bloody buggered mess it is!

I see hope even here, there are glimpses and splash sand splotches and white finger prints all around in these oil pastels, pastels, watercolors and acrylics I have employed, deployed, enjoyed, annoyed , ooohhhhh boyed!

So what to do!? What to continue or leave well enough alone!?!

I will let it be for the time and return refreshed soon enough!
Cheers! Anthony TONY Quinn 
Happy Wednesday ,July 10, 2024 to one and to all of us!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I am having trouble adding pictures of my eleven canvases I painted on stretched canvases with acrylics and leaves, flowers, sticks, branches, seeds, nuts, more


What a great grand grin groan glorious trip this still is! Tony 7/9/2024

What a conundrum, to leave well enough alone from years ago or to continue working on them!? I will take my time as I am working on other pieces on stretched canvases! One has given me so many pains - the one I started in 1987 and did not finish, I do not know why? My wife says it is because we had just had our daughter and we’re busy raising her. I think that sounds about right.

So we have two weeks before heading to the beach to the Outer Banks for a week where I will take some new virgin stretched canvases to work on - three different sizes, and I will do some more self portraits that I start with colored acrylics and move forward!

I have now three days off in a row - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday - and that extra day Tuesday has given me a new lease on life and I am ecstatic about this because it gives me more time ‘ to be ‘, to see, to think, to realize, to feel, to soar my spirit, air my soul, pamper and listen to my gut! I am following my gut and thrilled, too about that.

I am flying solo, no one comes to look on my progress, no one asks, no one takes any time about my art, I am all alone on this! That is okay as I listen to TheStone’s new song with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder, I sweet sounds of heaven, I am hearing that piano, and Lady Gaga, falling down, oh yeah, oh yeah, come on, come on, that shrill sound of hers like on Hey Jude, the same kind of-crescendo, Her and Mick, the drums, and Stevie on piano, wow, woweeee! And now Mick on harmonica, loving that, too!

Life is sweaty and sweet as I come in from gardening on a sweltering day and going off to see a movie with my wife! Love you all, Tony Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 1:46pm now….

Just like me starting fresh, The Stones should make their next record as they were just getting started with these last two songs! Tony

Sunday, July 7, 2024

My mixed media on stretched canvas in progress drying blacks now! Started in 987 and left alone and picked up in late June 2024! Yay!


Mixed media in progress still on Sunday July 7, 2024 at 9:54am yay yay YAY! Hurray, hurrah, getting on with it ! Anthony TONY Quinn